祝贺宋晓明同学顺利通过博士论文答辩 | DBA捷报
发布时间:2021-04-13 14:25
企业家学者项目整合全球优质教育资源,打造极具前沿性和系统性课程,在框架模块、聚焦模块、专题研究+实践课堂这三大核心课程中,涵盖2大金融主题与4大微观主题,探索6大宏观方向,定制化行业专题,走访行业内领军企业。宋晓明同学正是在理论与实践跨界的碰撞中,培养出了应对新商业文明下可能出现的新问题与新挑战的能力,他的学习从“理解 - 判断 -实践 - 引领”的旅程一路走来,跨越式的思想突围,让他在企业家学者项目历经了新商业文明的一次次洗礼。
宋晓明 | 当前经济转型背景下的并购基金发展思路研究

▇ 论文摘要:
M & A fund is one category of private equity investment fund. In the past 25 years, private equity fund has grown into a considerable asset section. Since 2008, China's economy has experienced the pounding pain of structural transformation multiplied with other challenges, e.g. international economy’s lack of growth momentum, increased trade friction, aging population and so on. The trade friction between China and the United States has further exacerbated. Against this backdrop, from September 2018, there was a significant shift in the domestic central government’s economic policy, particularly the capital market policy, has undergone major changes with the repressed capital market elevated to an unprecedented strategic level. M & A, as a crucial means to optimize the social resources allocation and enhance the efficiency of social capital utility, has been given great expectations by the government.
This study mainly discusses the role of M & A fund in China's economic transformation, and a medium-term development road-map of M & A fund under the new capital market policies today. After thorough research, data statistics and analysis, a potentially feasible M & A fund domestic development strategy is proposed to meet the needs of current economy and development.