7月26日 & 7月28日,欢迎近距离全新体验长江商学院全日制英文MBA项目。在活动中,你可以与全球顶尖教授探讨商业前沿议题,聆听中国企业全球化的经典案例,同时与来自不同行业的长江校友探讨职业发展中的困惑。
2016-07-26 · 墨尔本 14:00-17:00 Sheraton Melbourne Hotel 27 Little Collins Street, VIC 3000
席位有限 立即注册 |
2016-07-28 · 悉尼 14:00-17:00 Hilton Sydney 488 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000
席位有限 立即注册 |
14:00 签到入场
14:30 欢迎致辞
14:40 教授讲座:中国经济与资本市场 Chinese Economy and Capital Market
15:30 长江商学院全日制英文MBA介绍
16:00 校友分享
16:30 自由交流及项目咨询
李海涛 Li Haitao
Dr Li Haitao is the Dean’s Distinguished Chair Professor of Finance and Associate Dean for the MBA Program at CKGSB. Previously, he was the Jack D. Sparks Whirlpool Corporation Research Professor in the Finance Department of the Stephen M. Ross School of Business at the University of Michigan. He also served on the faculty of the Johnson Graduate School of Management at Cornell University. Dr Li serves on the editorial boards of Management Science (the Department of Finance) and the International Review of Finance. Dr Li holds a PhD in Finance from Yale University, public more than 20 papers in top-tier academic journals.
朱慧轶 Martin Zhu
Mr. Zhu has 15 years of experience in the management education sector, including business school internationalism, branding, admissions and career development, etc. He was one of the founding members of CKGSB. Apart from CKGSB, he held senior executive positions in some top Chinese and western business schools. He was educated and has work experience in China, Singapore, Canada and the UK.
羌毅 Qiang Yi
Mr QIANG Yi, Justice of Peace, Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business dual-EMBA alumni, Master of International Business from the University of Sydney. Mr QIANG Yi,has extensive experience in the property industry –acting as the Founder and CEO of VIMG Group.
徐玉臣 Xu Yuchen
Managing Director of Morts Capital Partners
Mr. Yuchen Xu graduated from Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business in 2006 and relocated to Australia in 2009. Currently he is the Managing Director of Morts Capital Partners with the mission of assisting the innovative global technology companies to grow in Asia and the beyond.