"70km Desert Challenge? Easy."——2013级MBA学生Jeremy Solomons
今年亚沙赛长江共有3名外籍学生参赛,这在众多参赛的商学院中并不多见。当问到2013级MBA英国籍学生Jeremy Solomons参赛后的感触时,他显得十分兴奋。
"There was blood, sweat, and tears, yet the 12 hour sleeper train from Beijing West to Alxa, was to be the start of a new and challenging experience for most, if not, all of us. Despite extreme weather conditions from the scorching hot sun to punishing sand storms, not to mention the unforgiving terrain, made only more arduous due to days of heavy rain prior to our arrival, the Tengger Desert was no match for the determination and persistence of CKMBA13.
Our close-knit bond, established by studying so intensely together over the past 8 months, was demonstrated in our solid team work and self-sacrifice when it came to helping others complete the challenge. On the first and toughest day of the hike, there was to be no respite, since we would be in another race against time to set up our camp and get warm, before the weather took a further turn for the worst.
On Day 2, the wake up call at sunrise made some question their Labour Day holiday choice, however, watching the celebratory fire lanterns against the sparkling night sky, was enough to boost morale and made even the third and final day an absolute pleasure and once in a lifetime story to look back on.: 70km Desert Challenge? Easy."