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新力量 | 2015 与长江同行


MBA2015:Nancy Yao MBA2015:Nathan Teng MBA2015:Rebecca Fang

MBA2015: Clover Wang MBA2015:Sienna Lee MBA2015:Raymond Tan

MBA2015:Cici Liu MBA2015: Eric Chung MBA2015:Frank Lu MBA2015:Kirstin Tang MBA2015:Frank Yang

MBA2015:Vanessa Li MBA2015: Mauro Emanuele

MBA2015: Tony LeeMBA2015: Raymond Kim

MBA2015:Arthur Fan MBA2015:Peilei Li MBA2015:Binbin Tao

MBA2015:Cindy Xin

MBA2015: Aaron Guo MBA2015 : Miranda Ren MBA2015: Allen Wei

MBA2015:Sharon Yu MBA2015:Sahil Chugani MBA2015 : Suya Hou

MBA2015:Michelle Lau MBA2015:Edward Redmond MBA2015:Shuyi Xu

MBA2015:Neil Finney MBA2015:Jason Liu MBA2015:Sarah Hager

MBA2015:Wilbur Chen MBA2015:Elaine Wang


MBA2015:Nancy Yao
教育背景:美国南加州大学 本科(University of Southern California)
工作经历:创业/ 全球知名航空公司/ 四大会计师事务所(美国)
GMAT 770,美国CPA

Nancy Yao:" At this point in my life, I consider an MBA program to be necessary as it will arm me with necessary knowledge and practical know-how to build more bricks to develop my start-up business. I believe that CKGSB is the optimal integrated solution for a perfect 'soft landing' for young professionals like me, who have been away from China for over a decade. I look forward to joining CKGSB to learn the best practices from successful alumni entrepreneurs and inspirational business leaders from China market. "



MBA2015:Nathan Teng
教育背景:上海交通大学 本/硕 (Shanghai Jiaotong University)
工作经历:央企(核能源);CFA 2级

Nathan Teng:" 长江有很多引人向往的特质:有世界顶级的师资团队,有最具影响力的商界精英。但长江最吸引我的还有两点:一是他的氛围,我认为商学院应该是一个思想和激情交流碰撞的地方,只有这样,最绚丽的商业之花才能破土而出。而长江平和友善而又激情澎湃的氛围正为之提供了最肥沃的土壤。二是他的年轻,年轻意味着活力和希望。在过去的十几年中,年轻的长江与年轻的中国经济一起茁壮成长;未来,取势中国,面向全球的长江也将与中国经济一起在世界的舞台上起舞。非常荣幸能够成为长江大家庭的一员。“长江不择细流,故能浩荡万里。”希望能借长江之势,拥抱未来无限可能的精彩。"



MBA2015:Rebecca Fang
教育背景:厦门大学 本科 (Xiamen University)
工作经历:全球零售业巨头 / 四大咨询

Rebecca Fang:" 来长江读书是我一生的重大决定之一,但我并没有太多犹豫,因为长江满足我对MBA的全部需求:首先,长江拥有世界级的顶尖的教授,他们不仅仅带来了先进的西方经验还对中国商业实际运作具有深刻洞察力,因为他们同时也给EMBA班里的商业领袖授课。而我们不经意间可能就参与了一场实地前沿的头脑风暴,想想都让人激动不已!其次,长江“取势、明道、优术”理念、全球化的视野、企业家精神和温暖亲切的家文化都与我的价值观不谋而合。最后,长江拥有全中国无可比拟的校友网络并汇聚了一大批心怀火种而又背景多元的同学,大家朝气勃勃、互相扶持、共谋大业。我希望通过14个月的学习,能够在互联网领域重度垂直;更具判断力和解决问题的能力;拓展人脉,结交一批志同道合的朋友;勇于弥补自己知识体系和性格上的不足,成为更好的自己。"



MBA 2015: Clover Wang
教育背景:伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 本科
(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Clover Wang:“用长江的校训“取势、明道、优术”来概括我选择长江的理由是最合适不过了:我认为,“取势”的“势”是大发展趋势和总体政策导向,长江可以为我提供一个过渡中西方文化、深入了解中国市场的绝佳平台,长江的全球视野和中国洞见与我要取的“势”完全吻合;“明道”的“道”是思维和达成目标的最佳路径,而在长江攻读MBA 正是能够培养我独到思维和带领我成功达成目标的最佳路径。长江强大的师资力量和海内外的精英校友也都无疑是这条“道”上最亮的明灯;“优术”的“术”是具体行事的方法和策略,是“道”的实质。如果说“明道”是做正确的事,那么“优术”则是正确地做事。很荣幸我能如愿加入长江,也很期待能够和同样“心向大海,汇入长江”的你共圆梦想。”



MBA2015:Sienna Lee
教育背景:韩国 西江大学 本科 (Sogang University)

Sienna Lee:" One of my close friends is a CKGSB MBA alumni and his strong recommendation aroused my interest in the school. In addition, it's high reputation in China, huge investments on students, various internship and DCP opportunities also attracted me.
In CKGSB, I want to learn China’s business insights and build a rich relationship with business circles, so that I can advance my career in China after graduation."



MBA2015:Raymond Tan
剑桥大学 硕士 (University of Cambridge)
伦敦大学学院 本科 (University College London)

Raymond TAN:" After studying and working in the UK for 10 years, I recently moved back to South East Asia to venture into business. Doing my MBA in China is the perfect avenue for me to gain insights into China and to survey the contemporary opportunities for doing business in China and with China. I chose CKGSB over offers from other Chinese business schools because I am convinced that CKGSB has all the resources I could ever ask for to turn my business ideas into reality and that CKGSB will pro-actively help me to succeed."



MBA 2015:Cici Liu
教育背景:哥伦比亚大学 本科 (Columbia University)
工作经历:美国著名汽车售后企业集团 / 华尔街投行

Cici Liu:" I choose to come back to China. I believe that the dynamism of the Chinese economy presents many unique opportunities for advancement. China's economy is still in its growth stage compared to the mature economy of the U.S. As someone with both a Chinese and Western background, I believe that I can utilize my background as a comparative advantage and serve as a bridge between the two cultures.

I was incredibly impressed with the level of personal attention that CKGSB provides to its students and applicants. CKGSB really takes the time to understand the unique background and experiences of each student and clearly lays out how the school will benefit them. This level of personal interaction is virtually unheard of at business schools in the US. The caliber of the faculty at CKGSB convinced me that it is the only place in China where I can gain a world class MBA education while attaining the requisite knowledge of the Chinese marketplace necessary to make a successful career transition to China.

As someone who is returning to China after growing up overseas, I hope to gain insight into the Chinese marketplace and doing business in China. CKGSB presents the ideal platform in which to gain practical knowledge of the Chinese marketplace due to its close alignment with Chinese businesses. I also hope to meet and interact with a diverse set of business leaders from both China and abroad."



MBA 2015: Eric Chung
教育背景:高丽大学 本科 (Korea University)

Eric Chung:”I have a dream to establish my own business targeting the Chinese market, and I envision my future as a bridge linking the business of China and Korea. I am confident CKGSB is the ideal school to help my dream come true. Why? CKGSB is a school that has attracted the largest number of influential business leaders and entrepreneurs in China. I am convinced that their experience and insights about the Chinese business will be a valuable asset to me. I also love its other unique features: a world-class faculty with China insight, a close-knit learning environment, and the prestigious mentorship program designed for the MBA students to grow, etc. It was amazing that the CKGSB program even went on extra mile to arrange for its Korean Professor (Prof. Cho, one of the most respected management professors in Korea) to meet with me in Seoul before I joined the program. This demonstrated the CKGSB MBA program’s passion and care for each candidate. I’d love to build a life-long friendship with my classmates and alum in CKGSB, and look forward to the start of the MBA program."


MBA2015:Kirstin Tang
康奈尔大学 硕士(Cornell University)
香港大学 本科(Hong Kong University)

Kirstin Tang:”长安街上,由世界级教授用心打造的学习平台,连接无可比拟的企业家校友资源。对我而言,读MBA非长江莫属。我希望在这里能自由吸取养分,充分沉淀与梳理,为自己的下一个十年找准方向,全力出发。“



MBA2015:Frank Yang
南安普顿大学 硕士(University of Southampton)
爱丁堡大学 本科(University of Edinburgh)


Frank Yang:”我选择长江MBA的理由非常明晰,一是长江“取势、明道、优术”的思想完全符合了我个人的理念;二是长江卓越的教授团队、杰出的校友资源、国际化的视野以及着眼中国发展的目标也深深的吸引了我加入长江大家庭。




MBA2015:Vanessa Li
教育背景:北京大学 本科(Peking University)

Vanessa Li:”钱钟书先生曾这样评价妻子杨绛:在遇到她以前,我从未想过结婚。在遇到长江前,我也从未想过教书匠出身的自己可以在25岁这一年跳出舒适区、在MBA的平台上探索自己更多的可能性。从不问那些连自己都不想知道答案的问题,比如十年后35岁的你会怎样,我只知道80%决定我们十年后生活的关键选择发生在十年前。你是怎样,你选择怎样,你的未来就会怎样。心所向,将所成,因为向往明天的大海,所以汇入今日的长江。“


MBA2015: Mauro Emanuele
博罗尼亚大学 法律博士(University of Bologna, J.D. in Law)
罗马大学 本科 (University of Rome)
工作经历:家族企业(咨询 投资)/ 北欧职业冰球运动员

Mauro Emanuele: ”After experiences through the European and Russian market, I desire to switch from my current role in corporate consulting, for a one in strategy management or in a strategy consulting firm. Eager to contribute making a difference for a better world, I want to crop a deep understanding about innovation and sustainability in order to apply more impactful strategies.

Chosen China as the next career goal, wishing to accelerate my career in Asia, I have chosen CKGSB for several valid reasons.

First of all, CKGSB sparked my attention for the concentration about China and the strong esteem gained within the Chinese business fabric.

In addition, the astonishing level of the former alumni represents a pride for the country, and eases the broadening of a remarkable network of contact in China. About that, from the first day I will put in place all my strongest effort in order to honor the name of CKGSB in every context.

For my 14 months at CKGSB I expect to cover the knowledge in areas out of my previous professional scope and to acquire the Asian mindset necessary to operate in the new business world ever more affected by Asia. This will be allowed by the excellent faculty where present the cream of the academic realm.

Last but important as well, in Beijing, I hope to quickly broaden my very basic skills of Mandarin.“



MBA 2015 : Tony Lee
哥伦比亚大学 硕士 (Columbia University)
中国人民大学 本科 (Renmin University of China)
工作经历:创业 / 国际非政府组织

Tony Lee : “CKGSB was born with entrepreneurship and innovation, and it’s just the perfect platform, from which I would say: I am on the road to starting my own business with the dream of changing the world.

I need a CKGSB MBA to learn how to transfer my ideas into a viable business model to fit the Chinese market, and I need skills related to finance, marketing, pricing and strategic planning in order to facilitate the business operation.“


MBA2015: Raymond Kim
美国西北大学 法学硕士 (Northwestern University, Master of Laws)
中国政法大学 法律本科 (China University of Political Science and Law)
工作经历:知名互联网创业企业 / 知名律师事务所

Raymond Kim:“以前做律师,有些客户是长江校友,他们说长江商学院的课程很好,对企业管理很有帮助。后来自己到创业企业负责法律事务,也参与一定的管理工作。经历了不少跌宕起伏,也对未来从事更多商业工作有了浓厚兴趣。从法律到商业是一个跨界+转行的过程,高质量的商学院教育会给我更坚实的基础。长江有全球化的顶级教授资源,有专注于中国企业和商业环境的经验积累,有多样化的同学和校友,这些都非常吸引我。我在工作中见到的不少问题,也希望能通过向教授、同学和校友们学习来找到答案。新的人生旅程,就从长江开始吧!“



MBA2015:Arthur Fan
教育背景:清华大学 本科
(Tsinghua University)GMAT 760
工作经历:金融投资领域 / 上市房企

Arthur Fan:“‘取势 明道 优术’的校训和“学以致用 经世济民”的精神是长江特别吸引我的地方。针对MBA的学习,我希望能在这里学到最鲜活的知识,经历最接地气的商业实践的洗礼。我相信,在十四个月的时间里,长江一定会让我收获甚多。在中国最好的商学院里,结识到中国最优秀的青年,在中国的发展中写下我们的一笔,愿与各位同学共勉。”



MBA2015:Peilei Li
教育背景:密歇根州立大学 本科 (Michigan State University)

Peilei Li:”两年前,由于一次偶然的机会,我走进了长江商学院MBA的活动,在后期不断深入的了解和探索中,我越发对其着迷。长江商学院强大的师资力量,无与伦比的校友群体,和其大家庭文化中的同学关系,无不使长江闪耀着独特的光芒。




MBA2015:Binbin Tao
教育背景: 浙江大学 本科 (Zhejiang University) GMAT 770

Binbin Tao:“Alongside the academic excellence, I am deeply impressed by Cheung Kong’s commitment to nurture future business leaders in China with focus and massive resources invested into each MBA candidate, and the special environment within the community that would create strong bonding between me and my fellow classmates. Through many conversations with distinguished faculty members and alumni, I discovered that the Cheung Kong family possesses a sharing spirit and a strong desire to make great things happen, critical traits to the success of businesses in China.

Looking forward to the life in Beijing, I would like to expose myself to a broad array of subjects, learn and exchange ideas with culturally diverse students, and bravely innovate with the risk of making mistakes. I hope, by the end of the program, I will be able to have a real and deep insight about the China economy and market, and get myself fully prepared for the upcoming challenges.“


MBA2015:Cindy Xin

教育背景:河海大学 本科 (Hohai University)

Cindy Xin:“我相信长江商学院可以帮助我积蓄能量,开启新一段的人生征程。因为,一方面她汇聚了重量级的教授,随智者,求洞见,长江MBA课堂带给我的将不仅仅是真知灼见的传授,更是人生格局的启示。另一方面,同窗们背景各异、抱负不同,但是同样心怀梦想和热忱。我希望通过长江MBA教育,扎实知识基础、实践商业项目、和良师益友思想碰撞并共同构建这14个月充实有趣的学习经历。在三字头人生的跑道起点,充满电,加满油,全力出发。“



MBA 2015 : Aaron Guo
教育背景:上海外国语大学 本/硕 (Shanghai International Studies University)
工作经历:著名跨国公司 / 国家级通讯社

Aaron Guo : ”The relentless pursuit of knowledge and insatiable desire to become stronger guided me to CKGSB. With its galaxy of star professors and its dedication to the development of the Chinese economy, CKGSB is a perfect incubator for a new generation of successful business leaders. I stand ready to be challenged and enlightened by the intense studies and enjoy the colorful campus life.“



MBA 2015 : Miranda Ren
上海交通大学 硕士 (Shanghai Jiao Tong University)
江苏大学 本科 (Jiangsu University)
工作经历:国有事业单位 (信息技术)

Miranda Ren:”‘取势、明道、优术’是中国人做人行事的最高准则,也是长江树人立事的基本原则。相信在这里能够收获的不仅仅是良师和益友,更是一份胸襟和视野,是对未来的激情和笃定。“



MBA 2015 : Allen Wei
纽卡斯尔大学 本/硕(Newcastle University)

Allen Wei :”如果说选择长江是一种冲动,没想到冲动得如此之久。冷静思考后发现,长江吸引我的理由很简单,它的教授几乎全部来自欧美主流大学,有着国际化的视野,同时又特别接地气,扎根于中国市场,借鉴中国企业的发展模式传授更加实际的商业知识。这点对于我这个受到国外教育,又在国企工作,扎根于国内发展的"分裂"性格的人来说简直就是量身定做的。




MBA 2015 : Sharon Yu
纽约大学 硕士 (New York University)
加州大学尔湾分校 本科(University of California, Irvine)

Sharon Yu :”Success has always been my professional and personal goal. Although the exact definition of this word has evolved throughout my career, I believe the MBA program at CKGSB will provide the tools and network for me to take a step towards success. The program's unique China angle will allow me to develop my international analytical, financial and managerial skills in a local context. Additionally, CKGSB's prestigious reputation and its notable Alumni network will allow me access to highly successful people with similar aspirations and goals. The CKGSB MBA program is highly suitable for me and will propel me to take a step towards China and success.“



MBA 2015 : Sahil Chugani
伦敦帝国理工学院 本科 (Imperial College London)
工作经历:全球顶级投行 / 家族企业 / 创业

Sahil Chugani :”After spending 8 years in London across two Wall Street firms and a series of start-ups /entrepreneurial ventures, I am looking to set up my own company in Asia, and build bridges between China and Europe. I truly believe unlocking China is the key to long term business success and with government initiatives like Made in China 2025 (中国制造2025) / One Belt, One Road (一带一路), my conviction strengthens.

Whether it’s starting a FinTech P2P platform, importing wine from Spain, replicating a European app/service in China, exporting to the UK, there are lots of ideas I would like to explore while at CKGSB - especially with my peers and faculty where I hope to find a business partner in the process.

Choosing CKGSB was a no-brainer as it stands out as the perfect trampoline into business in China. Compared to other Chinese schools, there seems to be a clear focus at CKGSB to truly encourage entrepreneurship and innovation in China, all in a very practical learning environment. Learning about Xiaomi, Tencent, Sinopec instead of Ford, Kraft, GE will be fascinating and relevant to my ultimate goal. Also, learning from the well respected CKGSB faculty makes me feel honored to be part of the CKGSB family. Lastly, the CKGSB alumni network is an unparalleled pool of talent and inspiration for business in China and I look forward to learning from and about them, including Jack MA, FU Chengyu and many others.

A program that in 14 months in length, with hands-on education in the political capital of China, a 3 weeks U.S. module, a 6 weeks internship and exchange program around the world, makes incredible program, and I am truly excited for the coming year.“



MBA 2015 : Suya Hou
教育背景:新加坡国立大学 本/硕 (National University of Singapore)

Suya Hou :”在国外生活十几年,魂牵梦绕都是长江黄河。虽然没遇到黄河,但是我找到了长江商学院。




MBA 2015 : Michelle Lau
加州大学伯克利分校 本科(University of California, Berkeley)
工作经历:香港著名影视传媒机构 / 家族企业(医疗)

Michelle Lau :”With the passion and vision to succeed in the business world, I believe it is the right time to step out of the comfort zone and to take up the MBA challenge that will push the best out of you. CKGSB’s mission to provide world-class education for China’s business is exactly what I am looking for in achieving a MBA and investing back into the China’s market, where talents, knowledge, resources, location, connectivity, and culture are at the best of the best. CKSGB is a place where one’s potentials can be exerted to its fullest.“


MBA 2015 : Shuyi Xu
南加州大学 硕士(University of Southern California)
弗吉尼亚大学 本科(University of Virginia)

Shuyi Xu :”于我而言,取道长江是一个重要的决定,但并不是一个纠结的过程。世界级师资团队、多元化的课程设置、加上具有社会影响力的菁英校友,这些都是长江所具有的无法比拟的优势。然而,长江最吸引我的在于她的专注。建校伊始,长江便立志于“为中国培养世界级的企业家”。十余年来,一直深耕于研究如何在中国市场取得商业成功,使长江具有独一无二的中国视野,这也是我急需补足的地方。在接下来的14个月的学习与生活中,我期望能够在长江结识志同道合的伙伴,一起借势长江,扬帆远航。“



MBA 2015 : Neil Finney
西澳大学 本科(University of Western Australia)
工作经历:跨国矿业企业/ 跨国工业品企业

Neil Finney :”I chose CKGSB as it aligns with my personal mission to pursue excellence and offer the deepest insights into China. Success is a process, and that process starts with surrounding yourself with the best knowledge, best professional networks, and the best opportunities at CKGSB.

The potential of the CKGSB MBA program is immense, but expectations can only be realised through dedication and strong execution. With a diverse cohort of internationally experienced professionals, working together yet forging individual paths, I expect to create a new and exciting path for myself - the sky is the limit!“



MBA 2015 : Jason Liu
清华大学 本科 (Tsinghua University)
工作经历:著名教育科技集团(上市)/ 全球知名咨询公司

Jason Liu :”人生就像爬山,有人会留恋山谷的美景而驻足,有人则会渴望直攀峰顶,一览众山小的情怀。于我,经别校园12载,辗转职场的一个轮回,也曾留恋舒适,但心中有梦难以割舍。




MBA 2015 : Sarah Hager
教育背景:牛津大学 本科 (University of Oxford)

Sarah Hager :”I am excited to be joining the CKGSB MBA program because of the professors and peers that I will have the opportunity to learn with. George Bernard Shaw wrote that "Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself". I firmly believe that we create ourselves through our interactions with others and that reaching the pinnacle of one's potential requires immersion in a community of excellence. Myself and my fellow students have had many accomplishments and accolades up to this point but in joining this program we will support, challenge and shape each into the leaders we are becoming. Leaders, not only of our industries but of our society, grounded in the strong ethical and philanthropic principals that have built CKGSB.

I expect to develop strong business fundamentals and have the opportunity to apply them to the Chinese market through case studies, the MBA project, and internships. I expect to have my thinking challenged and to develop my skills and character through these challenges. By having these experiences I will gain confidence in my decision making and a new analytic tool kit from which to approach formidable real world problems. I hope to develop lasting relationships to maintain a life-long link to China and to build cooperation that enriches the lives of the people around me and creates opportunity. ”



MBA 2015 : Wilbur Chen
加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学 本科(University of British Columbia)
工作经历:金融投资(香港)/ 物流领域家族企业(台湾)

Wilbur Chen :”After graduating from college in Vancouver and years of work experience in Taiwan and Hong Kong's financial market, I came to realize that an efficient method is to aim at managing companies, and invest as a secondary goal. Therefore, as I now stand at a crossroads, I believe an MBA at CKGSB will bring me knowledge and help me build up a network. This will be invaluable to me in my career, both in establishing new companies and in taking over our family business.

Since I am working in a Cheung Kong subsidiary, the rich resources, top-notch courses and first-rate faculty CKGSB offers are well known to me. I am attracted by the fast-paced curriculum. The overseas studies offered by CKGSB will assist me in broadening my scope and equipping me with the management capability I will need in handling our family business. “




MBA 2015 : Elaine Wang
教育背景:东南大学 本科(Southeast University)



Elaine Wang :”第一次看到长江的介绍时,我就被她所吸引。每天忙碌于工作中,会时常感到自己的生活中需要新鲜能量和明朗的方向,在这个时点上,长江在冥冥之中召唤着我的前行。在最需要整理经历再往前迈出一步的时候,长江出现在我的生命中,引领我挖掘人生中一切的可能。长江不仅了解中国的发展,还与海外的顶级商学院保持良好的合作。这种结合使长江能够站在中国视角了解全球,同时从全球化角度看中国。我期待能在这里和来自各行各业的伙伴们交流,学习全球领先的商业知识,探寻更广阔的天空。“



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