Canadian Prime Minister Offers Gratitude and Felicitations to the CKGSB Alumni Association of Canada
2016年12月16日,长江商学院加拿大校友理事选举大会在多伦多成功举办。加拿大总理贾斯汀· 特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)特此发来贺函,庆祝长江商学院加拿大校友新一届理事会上任。他在贺函中表示:“长江商学院自2002年成立以来,培养了一批新一代商界领袖,其中有很多校友现在加拿大工作与生活。这些在全球范围内建立紧密联系的强大校友网络,加强了来自于不同背景人群之间的商业与文化交流”。
CKGSB’s Alumni Association newly elected board was honored at an installation ceremony during which the Prime Minster of Canada, The Right Honorable Justin Trudeau, sent in a letter to offer his congratulations to the new elects and gratitude to the outgoing board members. “It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the installation ceremony for the new board”, he writes. “Since its establishment in 2002, CKGSB has educated a new generation of business leaders, many of whom now live and work in Canada. Their alumni have built up connections around the world, thereby strengthening both commercial and cultural ties between people of all backgrounds”.
加拿大总理贾斯汀· 特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)访华期间携妻女游长城
Prime Minster of Canada Justin Trudeau visited China in 2016 Sep.
贾斯汀· 特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)于2015年就任加拿大第23任总理,曾于今年9月来华访问。他在贺函中讲到:“我很荣幸前一阵到中国访问,通过两国共同努力,加强彼此经济联系”对于长江商学院加拿大校友分会的建立,他表示强烈支持与赞许“长江商学院校友会有助于加强两国经济来往,建立稳定、共赢的商业关系。”
Justin Pierre James Trudeau is the 23rd and current Prime Minister of Canada and a much beloved political figure both in Canada and around the world. According to the PM, “I am proud to recently conclude a successful trip to China, in which our two nations worked together to strength our economic ties and ensure that we continue to grow our middle class”. The Prime Minister endorses and further lays responsibilities on CKGSB Alumni Association: “Organizations like the CKGSB Alumni Association are necessary to ensure that our economic relationship continues to be forged on a stable, strong, and mutually beneficial foundation.” The Prime Minister offers his gratitude for the work of group in strengthening the connections between business leaders.
MBA 14级学生Joseph Klarich在加拿大参加校友活动
Joe Klarich MBA14 participated CKGSB Alum Affairs in Canada
来自于加拿大温哥华的MBA14级校友Joseph Klarich谈到自己在长江的经历时表示:“长江一直在带给我惊喜,收获大于期许。”
Joe Klarich, an MBA alum based in Vancouver Canada affirms: “My experience in CKGSB has been rewarding beyond my expectations.”
加拿大当地杂志《Ottawa Life Magazine》曾报道: 近年来,加拿大成为中国最受欢迎投资国家之一。商务部2015年数据显示,中国非金融对外直接投资(ODI)同比增长14.7%,创历史新高,达到1,182亿美元。这是中国ODI持续增长的第13年。加拿大在中国ODI流出国中排名第12位。
According to an article published in Ottawa Life Magazine, Canada has been one of China’s favorite investment destinations in recent years. China’s Ministry of Commerce statistics shows that China’s non-financial outbound direct investment (ODI) rose 14.7% year-on-year to a historic high of US$118.02 billion in 2015. This was the 13th year of consecutive growth for China’s ODI. Canada ranks 12th among China’s ODI outflow destinations.