由长江商学院金融研究中心参与联合发起的“夏季金融峰会(Summer Institute of Finance Conference)”2014年度活动将于7月17至18日在云南丽江举办。本次活动活动联合组织者——长江商学院金融学教授、金融系主任曹辉宁博士将发表主题演讲。长江商学院金融学教授陈龙博士、金融学教授黄春燕博士、金融学杰出院长讲席教授李海涛博士、金融学与经济学助理教授李晓阳博士、金融学助理教授李学楠和金融学助理教授宋忠智博士也将参与论坛。
“夏季金融峰会”是由长江商学院和上海交通大学上海高级金融学院(SAIF)联合打造的年度金融峰会,自2010年以来已成功举办4届,并成为全球学者和专家分享金融领域最新课题与观点的交流平台。2014年第5届活动吸引了犹他大学教授马克·洛文斯坦(Mark Loewenstein)、普林斯顿大学教授熊伟等多位来自全球顶级机构与院校的嘉宾。会议主席由加州大学洛杉矶分校(UCLA)金融学荣誉教授迈克尔·布伦南(Michael Brennan)担任。
地点:云南丽江铂尔曼度假酒店(Pullman Hotel Lijiang Resort and Spa)
Day One “China Session” | Thursday, July 17
- Bubble-Creating Stock Market Attacks and Exploitation of Retail Investors' Behavioral Biases: Widespread Evidence in the Chinese Stock Market
- Local Information and the Decentralization of State-Owned Enterprises in China: Hayek is Right
- Analyst Coverage in the Premarket of IPOs
- The Best Performing Economy with the Worst Performing Market: Explaining the Poor Performance of the Chinese Stock Market
Day Two | Friday, July 18
- Macroeconomic Risks and Asset Pricing: Evidence from a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Model
- Market Power and Capital Flexibility: A New Perspective on the Pricing of Technology Shocks
- Debt Covenant Violations and Trade Credit
- Corporate Finance and Risky Inalienable Human Capital
- Security Design in a Production Economy with Flexible Information Acquisition
- The Interbank Market Run and Creditor Runs
- Good Disclosure, Bad Disclosure
- Rare Disaster Concerns Everywhere