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凭借所学 奉献爱心 长江MBA学员参与四川山区女性创业项目




September 28, 2008 – In effort to get funds into the hands of deserving women entrepreneurs in Sichuan, six Cheung Kong MBA students from the class of 2008 screened, analyzed, and selected projects as part of the Young Women’s Entrepreneurial Project based in Pingchang County, Sichuan.

Supported by the China Children and Teenagers Fund (CCTF), several of the women’s entrepreneurial projects evaluated by the students are now likely to be funded through their first steps.

The hope is that more international funding can be attracted to the project, enabling more young business women in Sichuan, including the Sichuan earthquake affected area, to set up their own companies in the area and pull themselves out of poverty.

The student group, who had just finished their own training in entrepreneurship at the Shanghai campus of Cheung Kong GSB, was able to put training and specialist knowledge of finance and management theories into practice as this year’s MBA corporate social responsibility exercise.

On 10 July, the Cheung Kong alumni traveled by plane, bus and minivan to reach the remote and nationally designated ‘poor area’. On arrival, the students got to work visiting start-up fisheries and small-scale manufacturers, staying for over a week and writing a formal report to the CCTF.

The mountainous area, with a population of 980,000 of which 110,000 are young women between 16-25 years old, has seen an exodus of working age men to the coastal areas for work, leaving the women to tend crops and livestock. This part of northern Sichuan has similarities with places hit by the Sichuan earthquake on 12 May 2008, in terms of its remote yet rich in natural resources landscape, and its need to generate new forms of livelihood to keep its small communities alive.



长江商学院成立于2002年11月21日,是由李嘉诚基金会捐资建立的拥有独立法人资格的非营利性教育机构,为国际管理教育协会(AACSB) 和欧洲管理发展基金会 (EFMD) 成员,并获得AACSB和EQUIS认证,是国务院学位委员会批准的“工商管理硕士授予单位”(含EMBA和MBA)。学院总部位于北京,现设有工商管理硕士项目(MBA);高级工商管理硕士项目(EMBA);企业家学者项目;高层管理教育项目(EE)及全球独角兽项目。

长江商学院以“为中国和世界培养一批具有全球视野、 全球资源整合能力、全球价值对接能力及全球担当、具备人文关怀和创新精神的世界级商业领袖”为己任,致力于打造全球新一代商学院,通过新视野、新思维、新格局、新境界与新商业文明,培养重视社会创新的经济上新生代迭代的力量,为全球重大问题的解决贡献中国智慧和中国方案。