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Wonderful experience at CKGSB


With such warm and friendly classmates I feel so much at home that one month just flew by. 
The school has been very welcoming from the first day arranging lunch, city tour and all possible things arranged to make our stay comfortable and memorable. I have had a chance to develop some strong friendly ties and learn about the culture and life in China. I value the interactions I have had with students with such varied background and hope to maintain relations with all of them for time to come.

The course “Winning Strategy in China” by Professor Ming Zeng was very insightful. It gave a very interesting perspective of the strategic thinking of Chinese companies and their global presence. I liked his teaching style which gradually took us through the details of the strategy and the thinking behind the actions. It would have been difficult to get such insights from any self readings. 

It has been a wonderful experience and I would love to come back to Shanghai and visit the school again. I wish the school success in everything they do. 


– Shilpa Bajoria (exchange student from ISB)



长江商学院成立于2002年11月21日,是由李嘉诚基金会捐资建立的拥有独立法人资格的非营利性教育机构,为国际管理教育协会(AACSB) 和欧洲管理发展基金会 (EFMD) 成员,并获得AACSB和EQUIS认证,是国务院学位委员会批准的“工商管理硕士授予单位”(含EMBA和MBA)。学院总部位于北京,现设有工商管理硕士项目(MBA);高级工商管理硕士项目(EMBA);企业家学者项目;高层管理教育项目(EE)及全球独角兽项目。

长江商学院以“为中国和世界培养一批具有全球视野、 全球资源整合能力、全球价值对接能力及全球担当、具备人文关怀和创新精神的世界级商业领袖”为己任,致力于打造全球新一代商学院,通过新视野、新思维、新格局、新境界与新商业文明,培养重视社会创新的经济上新生代迭代的力量,为全球重大问题的解决贡献中国智慧和中国方案。