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FAN Xinyu





范昕宇博士现为长江商学院经济学助理教授。范昕宇博士毕业于UCLA(加州大学洛杉矶分校)经济系,于2018年加入长江商学院。在UCLA期间,于2016, 2017年连续两次获得经济系杰出教学奖;并于2020年获得第10届UNICREDIT FOUNDATION GENDER ECONOMICS最佳论文奖。研究方向为博弈论,组织经济学,制度经济学及经济史;重点关注组织权力结构变迁,家族企业传承,与文化习俗的经济学成因及演变。研究成果发表于《国际经济评论》(International Economic Review),《公共经济学期刊》(Journal of Public Economics),《经济行为与组织期刊》(Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization),《公共选择期刊》(Public Choice),《理论政治学期刊》(Journal of Theoretical Politics) 等国际期刊。





1. Starving and Deceiving? How Disasters Reshape Politicians' Incentives to Lie (with Shuo Chen and Xuanyi Wang), Public Choice, accepted

2. The Shaping of A Gender Norm: Marriage, Labor, and Foot-binding in Historical China (with Lingwei Wu), International Economic Review, 2023, Vol. 64: pp. 1819-1850.
UniCredit Foundation - Best Paper Award on Gender Economics 10th

3. Competence-Loyalty Tradeoff under Dominant Minority Rule: The Case of Manchu Rule 1650-1911 (with Shuo Chen, L. Colin Xu, and Xun Yan), Journal of Public Economics, 2023, Vol. 200: 104843

4. Warcraft: Legitimacy Building of Usurpers (with Shuo Chen), Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2021, Vol. 184, pp. 409-431

5. Strategic Promotion, Reputation, and Responsiveness in Bureaucratic Hierarchies (with Feng Yang), Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2019, 31(3), pp. 286-307 



1. Guns and Resources: War Extractions and Governance Structure Reforms 

2. Deluge and Development of Early Human Societies: From the Neolithic to the First States   

3. Noble No More: Elite Recruitment, Checks and Balances, and Political Purges

4. The Emperor's Tael: Government Commitment Failure and Tax Revolts 

5. Trade or Raid: Can State-led Trade Policies Pacify Border Conflicts? 

6. Career Incentives and Influence Activities on Social Media: Evidence from Chinese Academia  

7. Elite Persistence, Power Struggles and Coalition Dynamics  

8. Club-based Promotions: Theory and Evidence

9. Godfather Politicians and Organized Violence: The Good, The Bad, And The Bloody 

10. Masters of Masterpieces: Ownership Dynamics of Top Elites' Art Investments